Your Voice in King-Vaughan

for Ontario Provincial Parliament

Gillian Vivona

Gillian Vivona image

“As MPP in King-Vaughan, I’ll be focused on you and your needs – putting more money in your pocket, helping you get ahead and get a home, free public health care when you need it, great education and safe schools for your kids, and beautiful green spaces to enjoy.

No politics – just hard work!”

Respecting You. Representing You.

Doug Ford’s Report Card for last 6 years

“Politicians like Doug Ford are out of touch with these real issues and are playing politics with our lives. He’s had over six years and things are much worse. We need a change.” - Gillian Vivona

Bonnie Crombie Will Deliver More for You

“I believe Ontario is a place where every voice matters. Where your government listens and treats every single person in the province with respect.

Your government should be working for you.

As Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, I will listen, learn and build back trust by focusing on what matters to real families.” – Bonnie Crombie

More Homes You Can Afford
More Homes You Can Afford

I’m Running for a Better Life for All of Us

As your MPP, I will respect you and represent what’s important to you. As a high school teacher and elected President of an Association representing 2,500 teachers, I’ve delivered results for people who need a voice, my whole career.

Like you, I want to make sure everyone has a family doctor, fix traffic to keep you moving, build homes you can afford, start investing in schools again, and make life better and more affordable for every resident. As your MPP, I will work hard for you and never play politics with your life.

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